High-resolution Single-shot Multimodal X-ray Imaging

Our phase methods analyse the distortions in the beamlets created by an absorbing (pre-sample) mask to extract attenuation, phase and scatter signals from an object. A robust way to analyse these distortions is provided by a second mask placed in contact with the detector; however, this requires the acquisition of multiple input frames as the pre-sample mask is displaced in different positions (at least three if the above three signals are required). Here we show how mechanical motion can be replaced by the capabilities of advanced detector technology. In particular, we have used the MÖNCH detector’s ability to reach sub-pixel resolutions by interpolating between neighbouring pixels collecting the charge generated by a single x-ray event. This super-resolution capability enabled extracting the beamlet distortions required to produce attenuation, phase and scatter images from a single frame.

From left to right: differential phase images of the microstructure of bamboo wood along the horizontal and vertical directions, their combination in a colour-coded map where the wheel on the top right indicates the orientation, and integrated phase map proportional to the material’s thickness – all obtained from a single shot acquisition thanks to the interpolating capabilities of the MÖNCH detector (imaged area roughly 1.2 x 1.2 mm²).
